3 July 2023

Top 5 Free Government Grants for Funding Startups (Australia, 2023)

Understanding government grants for startup

Tips for writing individual grant applications

Top 5 Government Grants for Startups

  1. Entrepreneur’s Programme:
  1. CSIRO Kick-Start Program:
  1. Research and Development Tax Incentive:
  1. Export Market Development Grant:
  1. Landing Pads

Additional Grants and Programs for Small Business Start-ups

Grow your business with Mobo Co


Securing funding is often a crucial step for startups looking to turn their innovative business ideas into thriving businesses. In Australia, aspiring entrepreneurs have a valuable resource at their disposal: government grants specifically designed to support the growth and development of small businesses. These grants can provide a much-needed financial boost, allowing entrepreneurs to invest in research and product development, expand their operations, or explore new markets.

However, navigating the landscape of government grants can be a daunting task. With numerous programs available at the national and state levels, each with its own criteria and application process, it’s important for entrepreneurs to have a clear understanding of their options. That’s where this comprehensive guide comes in.

In this blog post, we will explore the top government grants for funding startups in Australia in 2023. We will delve into the eligibility requirements, application processes, and the benefits offered by each grant. Whether you are a technology startup, an Indigenous business, or a new business owner, grants are tailored to your specific needs.

Additionally, we will provide a state-by-state guide to small business grants, outlining the opportunities available in various regions across the country. From Victoria to Queensland, New South Wales to Western Australia, we will highlight the unique programs and funding options that entrepreneurs can tap into.

Furthermore, we’ll discuss other grants and programs beyond the top choices, ensuring that you have a comprehensive understanding of the diverse range of funding opportunities available. From energy-efficient product grants to art project grants, we’ll shed light on additional avenues for financial support.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear picture of the government grants landscape in Australia and the steps you need to take to secure funding for your startup. So, let’s dive in and discover the top government grants that can pave the way for your entrepreneurial success in 2023.

Suggested Reading: Top Small Business Grants for QLD Business Owners (Updated 2023)

Understanding government grants for startups

Understanding government grants for startups

What are government grants?

Government grants refer to financial assistance provided by government agencies to individuals, profit/non profit organisations, and businesses to support specific activities or initiatives. These grants are non-repayable funds that can be used to cover various expenses, such as research and development, equipment purchases, marketing initiatives, or hiring employees. The primary purpose of government grants is to foster economic growth, innovation, and job creation by supporting the development of new businesses and encouraging entrepreneurial endeavors.

Government grants can come from different levels of government, including federal, state, and local authorities. Each grant program has its own set of eligibility requirements, application processes, and funding amounts. It’s important to thoroughly research and understand the specific funding requirements of each grant before applying.

Suggested Reading: How To Start a Business in Australia with No Money (2023 Guide)

Top 5 Government Grants for Startups

Grant ProgramCriteriaBenefits
Entrepreneur’s Programme
  • Scalable business model
  • High growth potential
  • Ability to benefit
  • Business advice and mentoring
  • Access to funding and grants
  • Business Networks and collaboration opportunities
CSIRO Kick-Start Program
  • Australian business
  • Turnover  <$1.5M
  • Project aligned with CSIRO
  • Grant up to $50,000
  • Collaboration with CSIRO for R&D activities
Research and Development Tax Incentive
  • Incorporated company
  • Eligible R&D activities
  • Meeting expenditure
  • Tax offsets or cash refunds for eligible R&D expenditure
Export Market Development Grant
  • Turnover <$20M
  • Promoting eligible products/services to overseas markets
  • Reimbursement of up to 50% of eligible export promotion expenses
Landing Pads
  • Criteria vary based on specific location
  • Co-working spaces
    Business support
  • Connections to local networks, investors, and partners

1. Entrepreneur’s Programme:


The Entrepreneur’s Programme supports startups in various stages, from early-stage to established businesses. Eligibility requirements include having a scalable business model, the potential for high growth and internationalisation, and the ability to benefit from program support.


The program offers a range of services, including business advice, connections to experts and mentors, access to project funding and grants, and opportunities for collaboration and networking.

2. CSIRO Kick-Start Program:


The CSIRO Kick-Start Program aims to help startups and small to medium businesses access CSIRO’s research expertise and capabilities. Eligibility criteria include having an Australian business with an annual turnover of less than $1.5 million and a project that aligns with CSIRO’s research areas.


Successful applicants receive a grant of up to $50,000 to undertake research and development (R&D) activities in collaboration with CSIRO. The program provides access to CSIRO’s expertise, facilities, and resources to accelerate innovation and technology development.

3. Research and Development Tax Incentive:


The Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive encourages startups to undertake eligible R&D activities in Australia. Eligibility criteria include being an incorporated company, conducting eligible R&D activities, and meeting specific expenditure thresholds.


The program offers tax advice/offsets or cash refunds to eligible startups, providing financial incentives to invest in R&D activities that drive innovation, improve competitiveness, and contribute to economic growth.

4. Export Market Development Grant:


The Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) supports startups and businesses in expanding their export contract/activities. Eligibility criteria include having a turnover of less than $20 million, promoting eligible products or services to overseas markets, and incurring eligible marketing expenses.


The EMDG provides reimbursement of up to 50% of eligible export promotion expenses, such as marketing campaigns, trade shows, overseas representatives, and promotional materials. The grant helps startups access new markets and increase their international presence.

5. Landing Pads


Landing Pads are designed to assist startups in accessing global networks and markets. Eligibility criteria vary based on the specific Landing Pad location, which includes major entrepreneurial hubs around the world.


Landing Pads provide startups with co-working spaces, tailored business support, and introductions to local networks, investors, and potential partners. The program offers valuable resources and guidance to help startups expand their operations internationally.

These top government grants for businesses in Australia offer significant benefits and support for entrepreneurs looking to accelerate their business growth, foster innovation, and explore international markets. By meeting the specific criteria and leveraging the opportunities provided by these grants, startups can access funding, expertise, and valuable connections that can propel their success.

Suggested Reading: What is Coworking? A Complete Guide to Choosing the Coworking Space for You

Eligibility and Application Process

Checking eligibility requirements

National criteria:

National grant programs often have overarching eligibility requirements that apply to all applicants across Australia. These criteria may include factors such as business size, industry sector, innovation level, and potential for job creation or economic growth. It is crucial to carefully review and assess these criteria to determine if your startup meets the funding requirements.

State-specific criteria:

In addition to national criteria, different states in Australia may have their own specific eligibility and funding requirements for grant programs. For example, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, and other states may prioritise certain industries, target specific regions, or have additional criteria based on local economic priorities. Researching and understanding the state-specific criteria is essential for determining which government startup grants your startup may be for eligible businesses.

Overview of the application process

The application process for government grants typically involves several steps. While the exact process may vary depending on the grant program, here is a general overview:

Research and identify suitable grant programs

Explore available grant programs at the national and state levels. Review the program guidelines, objectives, and eligibility requirements to ensure alignment with your startup’s goals.

Gather required documentation

Prepare all the necessary documentation, such as business plans, financial statements, project proposals, and any supporting materials required by the grant program.

Complete the application form

Fill out the application form accurately and provide detailed information about your startup, the proposed project, and its expected outcomes. Pay attention to any specific funding requirements or questions outlined in the application form.

Submit the application

Submit the completed application form and accompanying documents by the specified deadline. Ensure that all required materials are included and adhere to the submission guidelines provided by the grant program.

Follow-up and communication

After submitting the application, be prepared for potential follow-up inquiries or requests for additional information from the grant program administrators. Respond promptly and provide any requested information to support your application.

Evaluation and decision

The grant program administrators will evaluate the applications based on the specified criteria and make funding decisions. Successful applicants will be notified, and the grant money will be disbursed according to the program’s guidelines.

Tips for writing individual grant applications

Writing a compelling grant application can significantly increase your chances of securing investment funding. Consider the following tips:

Understand the grant program’s objectives

Tailor your application to demonstrate how your startup aligns with the program’s goals and objectives.

Clearly articulate your project

Clearly outline the purpose, goals, and expected outcomes of your project. Explain how the grant funding will contribute to the success of your project.

Provide strong evidence

Back up your claims and proposals with credible data, research, and supporting evidence. Demonstrate the viability and potential impact of your startup and project.

Follow instructions and guidelines

Carefully read and follow the application guidelines provided by the grant program. Adhere to the specified format, word limits, and submission requirements.

Seek professional advice if needed

Consider seeking professional services for assistance in grant writing, business advisers, or industry experts to improve the quality and competitiveness of your application.

By understanding the eligibility requirements, familiarising yourself with the application process, and implementing effective grant-writing strategies, you can enhance your chances of securing government funding for your startup. In the next sections, we will delve into specific government grants available in Australia, providing details on their criteria and the benefits they offer.

Additional Grants and Programs for Small Business Start-ups

Small Business Growth Strategy Grant Program

This grant program aims to assist small businesses in developing growth strategies. It provides funding to engage professional advisors or consultants to develop tailored growth plans, conduct market research, or implement strategic initiatives. The program supports small businesses in creating sustainable growth and increasing competitiveness.

26TEN grants for employers

The 26TEN Grants program focuses on improving adult literacy and numeracy skills in the workforce. It provides grants to employers to develop and implement literacy and numeracy training programs for their employees. By enhancing employees’ foundational skills, businesses can achieve improved products, communication, and overall business performance.

Accelerating Commercialisation

The Accelerating Commercialisation project supports the commercialisation activities of innovative products, processes, or services. It provides funding and expert guidance to help businesses overcome commercialisation challenges, such as developing prototypes, conducting market testing, or securing intellectual property. The program aims to accelerate the commercial success of innovative ideas for business ventures.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy grants

These grants aim to assist small businesses in adopting energy-efficient practices and renewable energy technologies. They provide financial support for energy audits, energy-efficient equipment upgrades, renewable energy system installations, and training related to energy efficiency. The grants help businesses reduce energy costs, lower carbon footprints, and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Arts project grants

Arts project grants are specifically designed to support small businesses or individuals in the arts and cultural sectors. These grants provide funding for creative projects, performances, exhibitions, and artistic collaborations. They play a crucial role in fostering artistic expression, promoting cultural diversity, and supporting the growth of the arts industry.

Training incentives and programs

Various training incentives and programs are available to support small businesses in upskilling their workforce. These initiatives may include subsidies or financial incentives for business owners’ training and apprenticeship programs, access to vocational training courses, or support for skills development in specific industries or trades. These programs help businesses build a skilled and capable workforce.

Support programs for business growth

Several support programs are available to assist small businesses in their growth journey. These programs offer mentorship, coaching, networking opportunities, and business advisory services. They may also provide access to specialised expertise, market intelligence, or assistance with strategic planning. These programs aim to equip businesses with the necessary tools and resources to achieve sustainable growth.

COVID-19-specific grants and programs

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, various grants and programs have been introduced to support small businesses affected by the crisis. These initiatives provide financial assistance, business continuity support, technology adoption support, and resources to help businesses navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic and aid in their recovery.

Note: The availability and details of these additional grants and programs may vary. It is recommended to visit the official websites of relevant government agencies or organisations to obtain the most up-to-date information regarding eligibility criteria, application processes, and funding opportunities.

Grow your business with Mobo Co

At Mobo Co, we offer a range of essential services to support your startup business. From flexible coworking spaces to fully serviced offices, meeting rooms, and virtual office solutions with professional receptionist services and mail handling, we have everything you need to establish a professional presence and thrive in a dynamic business environment. Contact us today and let Mobo Co be your partner in success as you focus on growing your startup and achieving your business goals.


Top 5 Free Government Grants for Funding Startups

It is crucial for aspiring entrepreneurs to explore the grants mentioned in this guide, along with other available opportunities, to find the ones that align with their business goals and meet their eligibility criteria. Regularly checking for updated grant opportunities is essential, as new programs may be introduced or existing ones may undergo changes.

Remember, successfully securing a government business grant requires thorough research, careful preparation of applications, and adherence to the specified criteria and guidelines. It is recommended to seek expert advice, leverage available resources, and engage with relevant government agencies or eligible organisations to increase the chances of securing funding for your startup.

Now it’s time for you to take the next steps. Explore the grants and programs discussed, assess your eligibility, and start preparing your applications. Grants can provide the financial boost, support, and opportunities you need to turn your startup vision into a thriving reality.

Stay informed, stay proactive, and embrace the potential of government grants to fuel your business venture. Best of luck in securing the funding you need to take your startup to new heights!
